Unblocking the toilet

Unblocking the toilet

Storm Water Drainage Solutions for Your Home

by Nicholas Chambers

Many homeowners need a solution for storm water drainage; their property doesn't necessarily need to be graded or sloped or otherwise treated for constant drainage problems, but when it storms, they may notice puddles forming on their property or water collecting around their home's foundation. If this sounds like your yard and property, note a few solutions you might consider for redirecting storm water and protecting your home.

1. Catch basins

A catch basin is a small basin that you would put at the end of a downspout or any place you notice water collects; if your home's gutters tend to overflow, you might put a catch basin or two directly under the gutters, close to your home. The catch basin will usually have a grate on the top to keep out leaves and debris, and the basin collects the water from the downspout or other area. Catch basins then also typically have openings on sides where you can attach pipes that slowly direct water to a particular area. The basin keeps the water from pooling on your yard as it collects the water as it falls, allowing for better control of its direction and drainage.

2. Dry wells

A dry well works something like a catch basin, except that you bury the dry well. The dry well looks something like a small barrel and it usually has holes or openings for pipes on all sides. This unit works by collecting the water that falls in one particular area and then, rather than allowing it to settle and pool, redirecting it through the holes or pipes on the sides. This allows for better dispersal of storm water so that it doesn't stay in one place and create a muddy area on your property, or collect around your home's foundation. Burying the dry well also gets it out of sight so that it doesn't interfere with the overall appearance of your property.

3. Channel drains

Channel drains are like long piece of pipe with an open grate on the top; these pieces are placed at ground level to redirect storm water. Typically channel drains come in several different lengths, with interlocking joints so that you can direct water however it suits your property; the channels can be worked around landscaping features or away from concrete driveways, or be directed to your garden so that it receives the storm water from the channel. These require a bit of digging so that you can place them at ground levels but they are very versatile and easy to assemble and install.


About Me

Unblocking the toilet

If I didn't know better, I'd think my toddler started each day with a challenge to throw something new and different down the toilet. He has managed to put nearly anything can imagine down the toilet. I have gotten pretty good at figuring out what has gone missing down the loo and whether it's something I can fix or something that I need to call the plumber to help me fix it. This blog is for other mums of toddlers who need to get toys out of the toilet and get the toilet back to working condition as soon as possible!